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Private money lenders and hard money lenders typically have a choice of two management models: outsourcing the management of the loan servicing, or hiring a team and managing the loans in-house themse
When we sit down and talk to accredited investors about investing in our hard money loans, we often discuss the value of having a fund manager who provides full service management, handling issues suc
Here’s a common scenario: Your father or mother started a business from scratch several decades ago, and turned it into a respectable success. As the business grew, you or one of your siblings joined
If you were to judge by the amount of new commercial construction going on in Downtown Sacramento in the past few months, you would probably say that our economy is booming. And you would be right. Ac
A rule of thumb that most investors are taught—or learn the hard way—is to stick with what you know. This rule is why very few people readily invest their hard-earned cash into endeavors they know lit
Making no deal is preferable to making a bad deal. “Caveat emptor” (“let the buyer beware”) should be the guiding principle of every fix-and-flip investor. A bad deal can quickly wipe out profits accu
Knowing when the time has come to sell a property is a necessary skill for maximizing income and managing expenses. With home prices in many West Coast markets nearing all-time highs, this skill could
Late in 2008, as the financial crisis was unfolding, the Federal Reserve decided that it was necessary to take drastic steps to stabilize the country’s financial system. To do so, the Fed started buyi
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