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Profiting from real estate investments is a matter of being able to read the market you’re entering, and how it affects the property you’re interested in. Many real estate investors take the tradition
Inheriting a home from a family member is typically a bittersweet event—taking possession of a home that has sentimental memories in large part because of its association with the loved one who has pa
In November 2018, South Lake Tahoe voters passed Measure T, a proposed ban on vacation home rentals (VHRs) in residential areas outside of the city’s commercial areas and primary tourist zones. The vo
Rent rates have been rising in major metropolitan centers throughout the United States, particularly in regions where new home starts have failed to keep up with demand. This has been especially true
It’s never too late to apply for a loan to cover the expense of opening or expanding a business, or for real estate investment. Many people remain active and successful entrepreneurs well into their 6
Throughout the United States, a decade of economic growth has allowed for the continued absorption of office, industrial, and other forms of vacant commercial real estate. The industrial market is par
Over the last few months we have become concerned with a trend in Sacramento and other cities experiencing significant amounts of growth. It’s difficult to count the number of high-end urban infill pr
Back in 2016, the Financial Accounting Standards Board issued a new accounting standard. Analysis of the financial crisis of 2007-2008 made it clear that the old Allowance for Loan and Lease Losses (A
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